
For the ones who let themselves be charmed by, Drave is the «Magic Village», protected by the mountains. A sublime mystery yet to solve. With no electricity, no tap water, no gas, no mail, no telephone, and with mobile phone only in some areas, the «Magic Village» has, on the other hand, the charm of the houses made of schist, that contrast with the whitewashed chapel, the bubbling of the waters of the small river that passes through, the songs of the birds, and the free flight of the insects. To get here, we must follow a trail of about 4 kilometers, starting in Regoufe (PR14: Aldeia Mágica – Magic Village). Uninhabited since 2009, it has been benefitting, since 1992, from the intervention of the Centro Escutista (Scout Center), in the rehabilitation of some buildings. Thus, Drave is the National Base of the IV Section of the National Boy Scouts, recognized, since 2015, with the seal of excellence SCENES (Scout Centers of Excellence for Nature and Environment), the only acknowledgement of this kind in the Iberian Peninsula, for a total of only 13 scout centers in the world.

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Useful information

Drave, 4540-282, Covelo de Paivó
Aveiro, Arouca, Drave
  • Latitude 40.861157
  • Longitude -8.117198