Synopsis: Inaugurated in 2021, the “516 Arouca” Bridge quickly became a must-see in the Paiva valley, as also the Paiva Walkways. These two infrastructures allow to discover an area of special natural value, which includes 5 geosites of the Arouca Geopark and crosses the Site of Community Interest (Natura 2000 Network) «Rio Paiva». If, on one hand, crossing the 516 Arouca calls for emotion and adrenaline, by the other, the breathtaking landscape makes us want to discover the particularities of this valley (the geology and biodiversity) and its infrastructure (construction/engineering).
Route of the Walkways followed: Linear route between Areinho and Espiunca (the entire route of the Passadiços do Paiva infrastructure). Includes crossing the “516 Arouca” Bridge.
Extension / Degree of difficulty / Duration: 9 km / Difficult / 6:00 am (depending on the group)
Points of interest: Paiva Gorge Geosite (G36); Aguieiras Waterfall (G35); Vau Site (G30), Gola do Salto Site (G31) and Espiunca Fault (G32); Paiva Walkways Biospots; Bridge 516 Arouca; Potholes Rapid; Rapid of the 3 little jumps; Rapid of the Stairs; Wall Rapid.
Price: Per student (less than 18 years old) - 17.50 Euros. Per teacher/more than 18 years old- 12.00 Euros Includes entry ticket to 516 Arouca and Passadiços do Paiva.
Promoter / Reservations: AGA – Arouca Geopark Association; Reservations by completing and submitting the form below, 15 working days in advance. For more information, please contact (preferred), or 256 940 254, or 915 435 846.
- The moment to visit the «516 Arouca» is subject to the availability of services and within an interval set by the Municipality of Arouca (managing entity of this infrastructure). Thus, the visiting hours of this infrastructure will be indicated depending on the group's arrival time;
- In case of delay by the group, the route taken will be adapted in order to meet the end of the visit time. It may make it impossible to visit Ponte 516 Arouca;
- In case of the weather forecast of rain or other adverse weather conditions, red alert, or another event that decrees the closure of the Paiva or 516 Arouca Walkways, the activity date will have to be changed, subject to availability of services, or canceled;
- Payment for the visit must be made prior to its completion and the respective conditions will be indicated when booking by our services;
- Participants must bring (i) clothing and footwear, suitable for the walk and in accordance with the forecasted weather conditions - it is not possible to do the route in slippers; (ii) water and energy bars; (iii) camera;
- For each program, per monitor, a maximum of 30 students and a minimum of 10.
- Due to COVID-19, this visit will comply with current rules (national and/or Arouca municipality). This time, the average visit time may be longer than indicated and/or adjustments may be made to the groups;
- It is not possible to carry out the activity for people with vertigo and reduced or restricted mobility;
- Program subject to availability of the Paiva and 516 Arouca Walkways;
- AGA reserves the right to change (i) the price of the activity whenever there are changes in the price of admission tickets to the infrastructure, (ii) visitation conditions if new rules arise between the booking period and the visit.