História Water and Stone Route

Discovering the Montanhas Mágicas® is done via a kind of subway line, with stops made up of places to visit in the immensity of the mountains between the Douro and the Vouga. This line is called The Water and Stone Route®(RAP), a tourism and nature route on which, from south to north, the Vouga (V), Arestal (T), Arada (A), Freita (F), Caima (C), Paiva (P), Montemuro (M), Bestança (B) and Douro (D) lines follow one another.

This route, which cuts across the 7 municipalities of the Montanhas Mágicas (Arouca, Castelo de Paiva, Castro Daire, Cinfães, São Pedro do Sul, Sever do Vouga and Vale de Cambra), consists of 9 itineraries and 114 panels with 200 must-see sights.

Fotografias e Vídeos Galeria

Senhora da Mó

Senhora da Mó

Côto do Boi

Côto do Boi

Pedras Boroas do Junqueiro

Pedras Boroas do Junqueiro

Pedras Parideiras

Pedras Parideiras

Pedras Parideiras (afloramento exterior)

Pedras Parideiras (afloramento exterior)

Falha da Espiunca

Falha da Espiunca