Onde Comer Pedrogão

Mining Region

The restaurant is almost the center of the village. That’s why being welcomed here is like being welcomed into the home of someone who invites you to come in, stay and taste the best of the traditional cuisine of these parts. From the wood-fired oven come flavors like few others, where the lamb and veal just whet your appetite. Then there are the rojões, the chanfana or the trout, which also makes an appearance here. The space is cozy and booking is compulsory, but the best part is left for last: the desserts. The leite-creme (creamy milk), the sopa seca (dry soup) or the homemade jams will leave a lasting impression, inviting you to come back.

It only works by appointment.

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    *A resposta é da exclusiva responsabilidade do prestador de serviços

    Principais Comodidades

    Opções Vegetariana