12 – Bio and Geodiversity of the Paiva Walkways

#secundario, #universitario

The field trip takes place on one of the sections of the famous walkways that line the left bank of the River Paiva. To walk along these walkways is to have the opportunity to take a journey through geological time, which stretches back some 550 million years, through its metasedimentary rocks, passing through 300 million-year-old granites and geological processes that have shaped the river’s morphology right up to the present day. At the same time, you can visit three of the five geosites along this walkway. This route is part of the Paiva River Site of Community Interest, which is still home to protected species, some of them Iberian and Lusitanian endemics. The dense riparian gallery is populated by floral species adapted to the banks of these clear waters, providing an important refuge and food for countless species of fauna, especially the elusive otter(Lutra lutra).

Duração média: 04h00
Extensão: 8,00 km
Grau de dificuldade: Fácil
Preço: 9,00€ p/ aluno

Promoter: AGA – Associação Geoparque Arouca

Pre-booking by filling in and submitting the form, 15 working days in advance.

For more information, please contact geral@aroucageopark.pt (preferred) or 256 940 254 or 915 435 846.


  • The program does not include a visit to or viewing of the 516 Arouca – Suspension Bridge;
  • Participants should bring (i) clothing and footwear suitable for hiking and according to the weather forecast; (ii) water and energy bars; (iii) a camera. On hot days, sunscreen, a hat and water are recommended;
  • In the event of rain or other adverse weather conditions, the date of the activity will have to be changed, subject to availability;
  • It is not possible for people with vertigo or reduced or conditioned mobility to take part in the activity;
  • The visit must start between 9:00 and 10:00 in the morning or between 14:00 and 14:30 in the afternoon. Starting at a different time will have to be budgeted for;
  • We suggest that participants install the “iNaturalist” app on their cell phone beforehand, so that they can submit the observations of fauna and flora that they make during the visit, from a citizen science perspective;
  • In the event of group delays, the route taken may be adapted in order to meet the end time of the visit, so as not to compromise other services scheduled by the AGA;
  • For each program, a maximum of 30 students and a minimum of 20 are allowed per monitor. For lower or higher numbers, please contact the services;
  • Payment for the visit must be made by bank transfer before it takes place;
  • Program subject to availability of the Paiva Walkways;
  • AGA reserves the right to change the price of the activity whenever there are changes in the price of entry tickets to the infrastructure.

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável:

Formulário de pré-reservaAgendar a Visita

    Fotografias e Vídeos Galeria

    Falha da Espiunca

    Falha da Espiunca



    Passadiços do Paiva

    Passadiços do Paiva

    Passadiços do Paiva

    Passadiços do Paiva

    Gola do Salto

    Gola do Salto

      Outras Saídas de campo