Gymnopus erythropus
Hat: without stripes or slightly striped, reddish-brown, quickly fading to ochraceous beige and then cream.
Blades: adnexed, cream.
Foot: pale near the hat and reddish-brown to orange-brown on the rest, hollow, usually twisted in adults.
Flesh: whitish on the cap and reddish on the foot.
Spores: 6-8 x 3-4.5 μm, more or less elliptical, non-amyloid.
Taste : sweet.
Odour : faint.
Fruiting Season October - December
Dimension Hat: 1-6 cm | Foot: 2-5 X 0.2-0.4 cm
Habitat On the ground or in woody debris, especially under deciduous trees.