Just Come

Just Come

ASSOCIADOS MEMBERS A s s o c i a ç ã o G e o p a r q u e A r o u c a

Tourist Entertainment Agent and Travel and Tourism Agency

JUST COME is a Receptive Tour Operator and Tourist Entertainment Agent specializing in the Arouca Geopark territory.
The “Just Come” concept has to do with the personalized, comprehensive and integrated way in which we welcome our clients. We know that no two people are the same, and we try to tailor the experience to the expectations and characteristics of each visitor.
We are therefore committed to taking care of everything! We think about every detail of our activities and programs so that everything flows, without you having to worry about anything. Just have fun, contemplate and enjoy!


  • Interpreted Walks
  • Water Walks
  • Canoeing
  • Canyoning Adventure
  • Canyoning Discovery
  • Paiva Walkways
  • Jeep Tours
  • Hiking Trails
  • 516 Arouca Bridge
  • Rafting Adventure
  • Rafting Discovery
  • River Tubing
  • Gastronomic Tours
  • Paiva Walkways Transfers

Registration Turismo de Portugal
RNAAT 522/2017 RNAVT 5479


    *A resposta é da exclusiva responsabilidade do prestador de serviços

    Fotografias e Vídeos Galeria

    Rafting Aventura

    Rafting Aventura

    Rafting Aventura

    Rafting Aventura

    Jeep Tour-Serra da Freita

    Jeep Tour-Serra da Freita

    Jeep Tour-Aldeias Mineiras & Drave

    Jeep Tour-Aldeias Mineiras & Drave





