Crowfoot Lepista nuda
Hat: smooth, non-hygrophanous or almost so; lilac blue, then pale and spotted with ochraceous or reddish brown; opaque when directed towards a light source. Blades: flat to toothed; lilac, sometimes with bluish reflections, easily separated from the flesh. Stalk: concolorous to barred, pruinose
Flesh: thick, bluish-white
Spores: 7.5-9 x 4-5 µm, elliptical with very fine warts
Taste : mild
Odour: pleasant, but difficult to define (they say it reminds them of “pharmacy” or “vitamin B1”)
Fruiting season Autumn
Dimension Hat: 4-15 cm; Foot: 2-12 x 1-2.5 cm
Habitat In forests, parks and along roadsides, on all types of terrain. A late-blooming species that withstands the first frosts.