Life develops on various scales, as does the passage of time and the entire organization of the Universe. The hills and valleys, rivers and forests of the Arouca Geopark are extremely rich habitats, home to species that live freely, independently and autonomously, appearing before our eyes in all their splendor. So let’s be aware of them, get to know them and respect their space. Knowing and spreading the word, but also preserving, are words to keep in mind when it comes to the biodiversity of the Arouca Geopark, which runs along a vast area protected by the Natura 2000 Network, an ecological network created for the European Union’s Community space as a result of the application of the Birds Directive and the Habitat Directive. This network represents 47% of the area of Arouca Geopark, distributed among three Special Conservation Zones (ZEC): Serra da Freita and Arada ZEC (34%), Rio Paiva ZEC (10%) and Serra de Montemuro ZEC (3%).

Welcome to a real universe within the Arouca Geopark.



Wild mushrooms

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