Turkey-tail mushroom Trametes versicolor

Shape: fan-shaped, thin and flexible, arranged in shelves, with a finely velvety and zoned upper surface, very variable in color, blackish. It can be brown, orange-brown, grey, ochre or greenish and often a mixture of these shades. The lower surface has fine pores (4-5 per mm), white and rounded. When cut, a thin black line can be seen between the felted surface and the pulpFlesh: leathery

Spores: 5-7 x 1.5-2.5 µm, +- cylindrical or slightly arched, smooth and colourless

Taste : sweet

Odour: woody smell


Fruiting season Autumn

Dimension Hat: 5-20 cm; Foot: 6-15 cm x 1.5-2 cm

Habitat Dead wood from deciduous and coniferous trees

Trametes versicolor

Trametes versicolor

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