02 – Spontaneous herbs: precursors of our diet with Seeds of the Future

#preescolar, #segundociclo

What are spontaneous herbs? What is their importance? Come and answer these and other questions in a workshop on the discovery and identification of spontaneous herbs (observation, stories and myths) and their application in teas, elixirs and salads. The activity involves a short discovery walk, enriched with games.

Duração média: 03h00
Extensão: 1,00 km
Grau de dificuldade: Fácil
Preço: 5,00€ p/ aluno

Promoter: Semente de Futuro – Clube UNESCO

Booking contacts: information or reservations on 919 218 096, 916 189 849 or sementedefuturo@gmail.com. Please book at least 15 days in advance.


  • Specific subjects/courses covered by the activity: Environmental Studies, Natural Sciences, Cookery and Catering, Tourism/Vocational Course in Tourism and/or Tourist Animation and University Courses in Sport, Tourism and Leisure.
  • The Echo of the activity is a formative evaluation that can be used by teachers and Semente as a starting point for new developments in knowledge at various levels. Suitable recording media are provided for this purpose.

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável:

Formulário de pré-reservaAgendar a Visita

    Fotografias e Vídeos Galeria

    Ervas espontâneas

    Ervas espontâneas

      Outras Saídas de campo