04 – Discovering the Biodiversity of Serra da Freita

#preescolar, #primeirociclo, #segundociclo, #tercerciclo, #secundario, #universitario

Walking along the Merujal Biodiversity Station (EBIO) trail is an opportunity to observe nature, listen to its sounds and breathe in its aromas. This EBIO, which is part of the Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI) – Serra da Freita e Arada, allows you to observe some of the habitats of the Serra da Freita plateau, such as woodland, scrubland, streams and ponds. The flora associated with them is rich, with relict species that survived the glaciations and several rare endemics (Lusitanian and Iberian). Also noteworthy is the diversity of fauna that feeds here and takes refuge from its predators. Along the way, we can also observe the deeper soils which, used by man for agriculture and divided into small fields, contribute to the richness of this ecosystem. Through observation and possible photographic recording, participants can understand the ecological role of the various species and contribute to the inventory of the biodiversity of the Serra da Freita plateau.

Duração média: 03h00
Extensão: 3,00 km
Grau de dificuldade: Fácil
Preço: 5,00€ p/ aluno

Promoter: AGA – Associação Geoparque Arouca

Pre-booking by filling in and submitting the form, 15 working days in advance.

For more information, please contact geral@aroucageopark.pt (preferred) or 256 940 254 or 915 435 846.


  • Free for accompanying teachers;
  • We suggest that participants install the “iNaturalist” app on their cell phone beforehand, so that they can submit the observations of fauna and flora that they make during the visit, with a view to citizen science;
  • The journey between Albergaria da Serra (bridge over the river Caima / near the village of Cabaços) and the Merujal Campsite is made in the group bus;
  • Each bus will be accompanied by a guide;
  • The meeting point with the guide will be defined according to the schedule;
  • The starting point of the visit can be adjusted according to the availability of facilities;
  • For each program, a maximum of 60 students (one coach) and a minimum of 15 are allowed per monitor. For lower or higher numbers of participants, please contact the services;
  • In the event of rain, snow, thunderstorms, fog or very cold weather, we suggest changing the date of the visit. The group must ensure this when booking transportation;
  • In the event of snow and/or ice, access to the Serra da Freita may be prohibited;
  • Participants should bring comfortable footwear and clothing suitable for the weather forecast for Serra da Freita. On hot days, sunscreen, a hat and water are recommended. On cold days, they should bring several layers of clothing and avoid fabric shoes;
  • Program carried out in partnership with Caminhos do Ocidente Lda.

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável:

Formulário de pré-reservaAgendar a Visita

    Fotografias e Vídeos Galeria

    Raposa  ©João Cosme

    Raposa ©João Cosme

    Borboleta-zebra  © Avelino Vieira

    Borboleta-zebra © Avelino Vieira

    Ouriço-cacheiro  ©João Cosme

    Ouriço-cacheiro ©João Cosme

    Satirião-manchado  © Avelino Vieira

    Satirião-manchado © Avelino Vieira

    Texugo  © Armindo Ferreira

    Texugo © Armindo Ferreira

    Rã-ibérica    ©Avelino Vieira

    Rã-ibérica ©Avelino Vieira

    Águia-cobreira  ©Armindo Ferreira

    Águia-cobreira ©Armindo Ferreira

    Queiró  ©Avelino Vieira

    Queiró ©Avelino Vieira

      Outras Saídas de campo