09 – Canoeing Class II – Paradinha Trip with Clube do Paiva

#preescolar, #primeirociclo, #segundociclo, #tercerciclo, #secundario, #universitario

A trip down the Paiva River in a 2 or 3-seater inflatable canoe, between Paradinha and Areinho (about 2 km). An activity of pure contact with nature that can be done by all types of people. Lasts half a day (a morning or an afternoon) with around 1h30 in the water.

Minimum of 15 students and maximum of 25 students.
Price quoted per student.

Points of interest: Paradinha village and Paiva river

Duração média: 03h00
Extensão: 2,00 km
Grau de dificuldade: Fácil
Preço: 20,00€ p/ aluno

Promoter: Clube do Paiva

Booking contacts: More information or bookings on 965 424 146 or clubedopaiva@gmail.com. Bookings must be made at least 15 days in advance.


  • Specific subjects/courses covered by the activity: Physical Education; Tourism/Professional Tourism and/or Tourist Animation Courses and University Sports, Tourism and Leisure Courses.
  • Activities can be canceled, free of charge, up to 48 hours before they are due to take place.
  • Cancellations on the day before the visit will cost 50% of the price and on the day of the visit, 100%.
  • In the event of adverse weather or other conditions that could jeopardize the safety of the participants or the quality of the service provided, Clube do Paiva reserves the right to cancel the activity and no fees will be due.
  • Clube do Paiva provides helmets, vests, paddles, canoes and guides.
  • Participants should bring wet shoes, a wetsuit and a towel (wetsuit and ankle boots can be hired – €10 pax).
  • Possibility of a hot bath at the end, in the Espiunca changing rooms, plus €1.50 per person.
  • Transfers not included.
  • Transportation by minibus is compulsory. A 55-seater bus cannot access Paradinha.
  • Bring a USB stick for a free Digital Photo Report.

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável:

Formulário de pré-reservaAgendar a Visita

    Fotografias e Vídeos Galeria





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