29 – Interpretive Night Walk in Serra da Freita with Why Not On Nature


The Serra da Freita at night is a magical and fascinating setting. With little light pollution and lush nature, the environment is ideal for enjoying the tranquillity and beauty of the starry sky. As well as the stars, you can see other celestial phenomena, such as the Milky Way, a luminous band made up of billions of stars that crosses the sky. It’s a unique spectacle, especially in areas with low light interference. While the sky reveals itself above, the mountain itself takes on a mysterious aura. The shadows of the trees and rocks create an enchanting atmosphere, full of silence and serenity. The contours of the mountains contrast with the glow of the moonlight, providing a breathtaking landscape, a new and different world that emerges. The nightlife in Serra da Freita is also a highlight. Various animal species, such as bats and owls, emerge to hunt and explore the nocturnal environment. Their sounds and noises echo in the darkness, adding a mysterious touch to the atmosphere. In short, the Serra da Freita at night offers a unique and immersive experience. It’s an opportunity to get to know the natural beauty and nightlife of the region.

Offer for accompanying teachers.

Points of Interest: Merujal Biodiversity Station.

Duração média: 04h00
Extensão: 8,00 km
Grau de dificuldade: Médio
Preço: 15,00€ p/ aluno

Promoter: Why Not On Nature Lda

Booking contacts: 919126662 (Joaquim Silva) or 964479331 (Pedro Resende) or by email whynot.on.nature@gmail.com. Bookings must be made at least 7 days in advance.


  • Minimum of 8 students and maximum of 80 students
  • Specific subjects/courses covered by the activity: Natural Sciences, History and Geography
  • 8 km walking route perfectly suited to this age group
  • The visit lasts 4 hours, from 6pm to 10pm, from May to September;
  • It can be done in March, April, October and November between 5pm and 9pm;
  • In the event of adverse weather conditions, the interpreted visit can be rescheduled for a new date favorable to both parties;
  • 25% charge in the event of cancellation by the school;
  • Includes:
    • 2 Why Not On Nature guides throughout the interpreted visit;
    • compulsory personal accident insurance;
    • compulsory civil liability insurance
  • Excludes:
    • transportation to and from the points of departure and arrival. If necessary, the company can arrange transportation on request.
    • important requirement for this hike: flashlight, head flashlight or charged cell phone battery, all with a lighting capacity of 2h30.

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável:

Formulário de pré-reservaAgendar a Visita

    Fotografias e Vídeos Galeria

    S.Pedro Velho

    S.Pedro Velho

    Contacto Litológico da Mizarela

    Contacto Litológico da Mizarela

    Frecha da Mizarela

    Frecha da Mizarela

    Frecha da Mizarela

    Frecha da Mizarela



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