34 – Through the Urtigosa River Valley with Why Not On Nature


The motto is set around the Urtigosa River, we’re going to discover some of the most beautiful corners that nature can offer us, through valleys, vegetable gardens and alminhas, following our Urtigosa River. At Cláudia and Vítor’s house, the bustle is already great so that we can enjoy a nice warm boroa. The agricultural route is enriched by its mills, enchanted woods, levadas and legends, in what was once one of the largest commendations of the Order of Malta in Portugal.

Duração média: 03h30
Extensão: 8,50 km
Grau de dificuldade: Médio
Preço: 17,00€ p/ aluno

Points of interest: Rio Urtigosa, Snack at Boroas&Companhia, Chapel of São Lucas in Póvoa Reguenga, Chapel of São Francisco, Church of Rossas, Order of Malta, Souto Redondo, Lourosa de Matos

Offer for accompanying teachers.

Promoter: Why Not On Nature Lda

Booking contacts: 919126662 (Joaquim Silva) or 964479331 (Pedro Resende) or by email whynot.on.nature@gmail.com. Bookings must be made at least 7 days in advance.


  • Minimum of 12 students and maximum of 80 students
  • Specific subjects/courses covered by the activity: Natural sciences
  • 8 km walking route perfectly suited to this age group
  • In the event of adverse weather conditions, the interpreted visit can be rescheduled for a new date favorable to both parties;
  • 25% charge in the event of cancellation by the school;
  • Includes:
    • Why Not On Nature guide throughout the interpreted visit (1 guide per maximum of 20 students);
    • snack at Boroas & Companhia;
    • compulsory personal accident insurance;
    • compulsory civil liability insurance
  • Excludes
    • transportation to and from the points of departure and arrival. If necessary, the company can arrange transportation on request.

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável:

Formulário de pré-reservaAgendar a Visita

    Fotografias e Vídeos Galeria

    Caminhos do Vale do Urtigosa

    Caminhos do Vale do Urtigosa





    Caminhos do Vale do Urtigosa

    Caminhos do Vale do Urtigosa

    Souto Redondo

    Souto Redondo

      Outras Saídas de campo