37 – In Search of the Biodiversity of Serra da Freita with Why Not On Nature

#secundario, #universitario

Serra da Freita is a region rich in biodiversity, with a variety of ecosystems and species inhabiting it. Part of the Natura 2000 network, the biodiversity includes oak, chestnut and pine forests and shrub areas with species such as heather, carqueja, broom, gorse and fern. These areas are home to several species of mammal, such as the Iberian wolf, wild boar, roe deer and foxes. The birdlife in Serra da Freita is also abundant, with species such as the peregrine falcon, round-winged eagle, tawny owl, rock blackbird, woodpecker, cuckoo, hoopoe or wagtail, among others. Serra da Freita is also home to several species of amphibians, reptiles and insects. Tritons, frogs, water snakes and lizards are some examples of the reptiles we can find. Serra da Freita is also known for its diverse flora, with endemic species and rare plants. Various types of daffodils, gentians and various aromatic plants are some of the species found in the region. Knowledge of these ecosystems is halfway to preserving local biodiversity, and is extremely important for guaranteeing the survival of species and maintaining the natural balance. The implementation of protected areas and raising awareness about the importance of conservation are fundamental to guaranteeing future generations’ respect for biodiversity.

Duração média: 06h00
Extensão: 14,00 km
Grau de dificuldade: Difícil
Preço: 25,00€ p/ aluno

Points of interest: Sra da Lage Chapel, Merujal Biodiversity Station, Caima River

Offer for accompanying teachers

Promoter: Why Not On Nature Lda

Booking contacts: 919126662 (Joaquim Silva) or 964479331 (Pedro Resende) or by email whynot.on.nature@gmail.com. Bookings must be made at least 7 days in advance.


  • Minimum of 8 students and maximum of 80 students:
  • Specific subjects/courses covered by the activity: biology, geology, nature tourism, tourism routes and itineraries, organizational behaviour, professional tourism course, senior tourism technician
  • Walking route of around 8km in the morning and 6km in the afternoon, for a total of 14km;
  • Walking route: Chapel of Sra. da Lage / Vale Raíz / S. Pedro Velho / EBIO (Frecha da Mizarela and Lithological Contact) / River Beach of Albergaria da Serra (lunch) / Path of the levada of Albergaria da Serra / Pedras Boroas / Detrelo da Malhada.
  • In the event of adverse weather conditions, the interpreted visit can be rescheduled for a new date favorable to both parties;
  • 25% charge in the event of cancellation by the school;
  • Includes:
    • Why Not On Nature guide throughout the interpreted visit (1 guide per maximum of 20 students);
    • compulsory personal accident insurance;
    • compulsory civil liability insurance
  • Excludes:
    • lunch, which must be taken in the backpack;
    • transportation to and from the points of departure and arrival. If necessary, the company can arrange transportation on request.

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável:

Formulário de pré-reservaAgendar a Visita

    Fotografias e Vídeos Galeria



    Detrelo da Malhada

    Detrelo da Malhada

    S.Pedro Velho

    S.Pedro Velho

    S. Pedro Velho

    S. Pedro Velho

    Frecha da Mizarela

    Frecha da Mizarela

    Contacto Litológico da Mizarela

    Contacto Litológico da Mizarela

    Pedras Boroas do Junqueiro

    Pedras Boroas do Junqueiro

    Pedras Boroas

    Pedras Boroas

      Outras Saídas de campo