Conheça Paiva Biospots

The Paiva Walkways Biospots are scattered along the left bank of the River Paiva, between the Areinho bathing area and Espiunca.

Located in the middle of a Natura Network site, these nine biospots highlight some of the most emblematic and common species of insect diversity (such as Macromia splendens, Oxygastra curtisii) and plants (such as Salix alba, Arbutus unedo) and challenge visitors to observe the animal species found in the river and riparian gallery (such as Chondrostoma duriensis, Lutra lutra, Alnus glutinosa, Fraxinus angustifolia, Quercus robur, Ruscus aculeatus).

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Passadiços do Paiva

Passadiços do Paiva

Passadiços do Paiva

Passadiços do Paiva