Geopark Digital Arouca Geopark’s natural and cultural heritage

The 328 km2 area of the Arouca UNESCO World Geopark closes a chapter in the history of planet Earth. From shales that are more than 500 million years old to trilobite fossils, or from granites (where the Pedras Parideiras stand out) to the mineral resources exploited in the old mines of Regoufe and Rio de Frades, there are countless stories of events that took place, which are worth discovering and which materialize in the 41 geosites classified in the territory. And because one of the paragraphs in this chapter of Earth’s history is the present day, you’ll find various emblematic fauna and flora elements (some of them rare, protected and/or threatened), as well as the history and cultural heritage built by a people linked to the territory’s natural resources.

Fotografias e Vídeos Galeria

Rio de Frades

Rio de Frades

360 Pedras Parideiras

360 Pedras Parideiras

Casa das Pedras Parideiras

Casa das Pedras Parideiras