Geopark Digital Ice cream in the Arouca Geopark? What a crazy idea!
April 2nd marks International Children’s Book Day. AGA – Associação Geoparque Arouca has published the book “Mãos na Terra da Gelatina” (Hands in the Land of Jelly). In it, through the culinary arts, Dona Terra uses the properties of gelatine to solve the problem of the immensity of geological time and represent the history of the Earth, in a lively conversation with the Arouca Geopark, now as a fictional character. The book, written by Maria Helena Henriques and Maria José Moreno, was published in 2009 by AGA – Associação Geoparque Arouca.
The excerpt we leave here is the most famous recipe: “Chestnut Jelly Stuffed with Boulders”. Using Jell-O analogies, Dona Terra explains how magma passes from a liquid to a solid state, forming the granite popularly known as “Pedras Parideiras” and also how the process of erosion takes place (just as we are enjoying the recipe). A suggestion for explaining the states of matter and/or understanding the formation of magmatic rocks and the result of the erosion process in a family or classroom context, combining science, creativity and healthy lifestyles.
Excerpt from the book “Mãos na Terra da Gelatina” in pdf.