In a short space, Freita manages to concentrate a large number of sites of geological interest, some of them with characteristics that are absolutely unique in the world. A true “Enchanted Mountain”, this itinerary and the points of interest we propose will certainly not disappoint.
- G1: Malhada Detrainment
- G3: S. Pedro Velho
- G6: Frecha da Mizarela
- G5: Mizarela Lithological Contact
- G4: Marmitas from Gigante do Caima
- G7: Boulders
- G8: Castanheira Bend Field
- G10: Castanheira Coast
- G11: Boroas Stones from Junqueiro
- G14: Quarzodiorite balls from Viveiros da Granja (Pedras Cebola)
- G13: Espinho Quartzodiorite (Cebola Stones)