Geossítio 35 Aguieiras Waterfall

The waterfall that kisses the Paiva River…

From the 516 Arouca – Suspension Bridge, you have a privileged view of the Aguieiras Waterfall, which is also visible from the Paiva Walkways. This waterfall is formed by the successive waterfalls of the Chieira stream, a tributary of the Paiva River, which is formed by the confluence of several small streams that cross the town of Alvarenga. There are about 140 meters of slopes that follow the most fragile areas of the granite – the orthogonal fractures – and form the waterfall, which is very popular for canyoning. In the surroundings you can see various elements of the granite plutonic landscape: orthogonal fissures, chaos of blocks, granite sand, boroa stone and giant marmitas downstream of the 516 Arouca bridge, on the Paiva river, which form the “Rápido das Marmitas”, much appreciated by rafting and kayaking enthusiasts.

The River Paiva rises in the Serra de Leomil, in Moimenta da Beira, and runs for 110 km until it flows into the River Douro, between the municipalities of Castelo de Paiva and Cinfães. At this geosite you can see that the river has carved out a deep valley in the form of a canyon in the granite of Alvarenga. From the viewpoint of the Paiva Walkways or crossing the 516 Arouca, you can also see the rocky head where the “Castelo de Carvalhais” is located, a rock castle from the Reconquista period (9th-12th centuries), a stronghold of the Douro. IX-XII), a strategically positioned defensive stronghold, probably designed to control the crossing of the River Paiva, an important morphological barrier between the banks of the Douro and the Arouca Valley.

Este geossítio faz parte do itinerário C: Paiva, the surprising valley.
Saiba mais sobre a Rota dos Geossítios .

The Aguieiras Waterfall is conditioned by the orthogonal fracture network of this granite massif, and the existence of other structural elements that condition it is unknown. The Alvarenga granite is part of the late-F3 biotitic syn-orogenic granitoids. Its genesis is related to shear zones, and its age has been attributed to 306-311 million years, according to studies from the 90s.


Geomorfológico Geomorfológico
Rede Natura 2000 Natura 2000


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Turístico Turístico


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Coordenadas Aguieiras Waterfall

Fotografias e Vídeos Galeria

Cascata das Aguieiras ©Avelino Vieira

Cascata das Aguieiras ©Avelino Vieira

Cascata das Aguieiras ©Avelino Vieira

Cascata das Aguieiras ©Avelino Vieira

Cascata das Aguieiras

Cascata das Aguieiras

Cascata das Aguieiras

Cascata das Aguieiras