Geosite 9 Cabaços quartz vein
White as snow!
While walking along the PR7 short route, we came across the Cabaços quartz vein, a geosite that stands out in the landscape for its white color and size of around 2 meters thick. This is a quartz vein, a mineral that is very abundant in the Serra da Freita. It can also be seen from the Frecha da Mizarela viewpoint, as well as from the village of Castanheira. This geosite is the stage for the “Ultra Trail da Serra da Freita”.
Informação Geológica
The Cabaços quartz vein is the largest and most prominent example of veins of this type found in the Serra da Freita. This is due to its milky white hue, as well as its high resistance to weathering/erosion compared to the underlying metasediments. This fact, combined with its large size, makes it prominent in the terrain and allows it to be easily mapped. As you get closer to this geosite, you become aware of the real size of this body, whose dimensions are more than 8 meters wide x 12 meters long and 2 meters high. This monomineralic mass has a NW-SE orientation identical to most of the outcropping veins here. The installation of these veins is related to the circulation of residual magmatic fluids, possibly in the final stages of crystallization of the granite of the Serra da Freita and the nodular granite of Castanheira.

