Geossítio 41 Sobreiros panorama
Contemplating the Douro…
This is a geosite of high geomorphological interest, located at approximately 500 meters above sea level, and in the Arouca Geopark area it is the best vantage point for observing the morphology and landscape of the Douro valley.
It is located near the “Marco dos 4 Concelhos”, a landmark with four faces and, on each of them, the inscription of a municipality with close boundaries (not coinciding at a single vertex): Arouca, Castelo de Paiva and Santa Maria da Feira, belonging to the district of Aveiro, and the municipality of Gondomar, belonging to the district of Porto. People say that, in ancient times, the administrators of the four municipalities would occasionally meet there to make decisions that concerned both of them.
Informação Geológica
From this point, you can see the large hercynic structure known as the Valongo Anticline – an antiform fold with asymmetrical flanks, oriented in a NW-SE direction. The Douro River Basin is the largest river basin on the Iberian Peninsula in terms of size, draining an area larger than mainland Portugal. Part of the Arouca Geopark territory belongs to this basin.

