Geossítio 33 Vila Cova Ichnofossils

Life marks from the past…

The Vila Cova Ichnofossils occur in quartzite rock outcrops, which stand out in the landscape, near the village of Vila Cova. Here you can see a significant quantity and diversity of ichnofossils: marks of the activity of living beings (ichnofossils), where the Cruziana tracks, resulting from the activity of arthropods such as trilobites, stand out. The quartzite rocks are the result of the deposition in a shallow marine environment of sands where the activity of living beings that inhabited the seas around 475 million years ago has been preserved.

In this geosite, in sub-verticalized quartzite outcrops, there are huge stratification surfaces that expose a large quantity and diversity of ichnofossils, especially the occurrences of Cruziana furcifera, sometimes semicircular, Cruziana rugosa and Cruziana goldfussi. Other types of ichnofossils such as Cruziana barriosi, Rusophycus isp., Skolitos linearis, Monomorphichnus ispp. or Didymaulichnus ispp. give this site added importance for taphonomic and paleoecological studies.


Geomorfológico Geomorfológico
Tectónico Tectónico
Paleontológico Paleontológico
Paleogeográfico Paleogeográfico
Sedimentológico Sedimentológico
Estratigráfico Estratigráfico


Educativo Educativo
Científico Científico


Nacional Nacional

Coordenadas Vila Cova Ichnofossils

Fotografias e Vídeos Galeria

Icnofosseis de Vila Cova ©Avelino Vieira

Icnofosseis de Vila Cova ©Avelino Vieira

Icnofosseis de Vila Cova ©Avelino Vieira

Icnofosseis de Vila Cova ©Avelino Vieira

Icnofosseis de Vila Cova ©Avelino Vieira

Icnofosseis de Vila Cova ©Avelino Vieira

Icnofósseis de Vila Cova

Icnofósseis de Vila Cova