UNESCO World Geopark

Tucked away in the mountains between the north and center of Portugal, Arouca Geopark joined the Global Geoparks Network (GGN) and the European Geoparks Network (EGN) in April 2009, under the auspices of UNESCO.

In this 328 km² territory, which corresponds to the administrative area of the Municipality of Arouca, the existence of a valuable geological heritage was recognized, listed in 41 geosites. Four of these sites of geological interest “Pedras Parideiras, Icnofósseis de Cabanas Longas and Icnofósseis de Mourinha” have been given international importance due to their exceptional value. The geological heritage, combined with the rest of the territory’s natural and cultural heritage, justified the creation of the Arouca Geopark.

In November 2015, GGN and UNESCO founded the International Geosciences and Geoparks Program, which made it possible to classify geographical areas as UNESCO World Geoparks.

AGA – Associação Geoparque Arouca (Arouca Geopark Association) is the entity responsible for managing the “Arouca Geopark” territorial brand, registered with INPI – Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Intelectual (National Institute of Intellectual Property) and plays an important role in the development of the region.

UNESCO World Geoparks are well-defined territories with unique landscapes and a geological heritage of international importance. This heritage is worked on through a holistic approach, where populations play an active role in creating development strategies, the fundamental principles of which are Geoconservation, Education for Sustainable Development and Tourism.

There are currently six UNESCO-listed geoparks in Portugal that make up the Portuguese Geoparks Network, under the auspices of the UNESCO National Commission. This network began in 2006 with Naturtejo Geopark joining the GGN. This was followed by Arouca Geopark in 2009, Azores Geopark in 2013 and Terras de Cavaleiros Geopark in 2014. Estrela Geopark joined in 2020 and in 2024 it was classified as the sixth Portuguese geopark, with the integration of Oeste Geopark into the GGN and EGN.

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