Formação e Sensibilização Geoeducation in Action
Geoparks are seen as open-air laboratories where educational activities often take place in formal and non-formal contexts, aimed at students, teachers and researchers or even the general public, making a major contribution to the sustainable use of our planet. In fact, geoparks have privileged conditions to play this role of promoting education for sustainable development, and there are countless activities that can be carried out by their Educational Services. Given this reality, and recognizing that only an educated and aware community can contribute to the implementation of true sustainability, and also recognizing that the values of sustainability should start with the youngest school community, this training course is justified.
The aim of this action is to help strengthen the skills of kindergarten and primary school teachers so that they have the opportunity to acquire additional and specific training to carry out their duties and/or develop new activities in the area of Geoeducation.
If you would like to take part in this training, please send an email to, expressing your interest in taking part and asking about the conditions involved.
Elementary school teachers and educators
- Understand the concept of Geopark;
- Know the principles inherent in the Global Geoparks Network and its continental networks;
- Recognize Geological Heritage as an important resource for the sustainable development of a region;
- Distinguish between Geodiversity, Geological Heritage and Geosites;
- Understand the importance of Geoeducation for a Geopark;
- Get to know the geodiversity of Arouca Geopark;
- Get to know Arouca Geopark's geological heritage;
- Get to know the rest of Arouca Geopark's natural and cultural heritage (tangible and intangible);
- Recognize the sites of educational interest in the Arouca Geopark;
- Recognize the role of Arouca Geopark's Educational Programs and Projects as an important contribution to education for sustainability;
- Developing educational resources in the field of Geoeducation.