Who we are

AGA – Associação Geoparque Arouca is a private non-profit association, created by public deed on June 9, 2008, published in the 2nd Series – no. 125 – Diário da República, of July 1, with the corporate purpose of:

  • To promote and carry out actions aimed at the sustainable and balanced socio-economic, cultural and environmental development of the municipality of Arouca and the region;
  • To manage the classified area of Arouca Geopark and geosites, protected areas and classified sites of the Natura 2000 Network;
  • Manage equipment and infrastructures in the field of nature, science, education, training, technology and/or tourism;
  • Conserving, promoting and enhancing its cultural, natural and geological heritage; promoting sustainable tourism;
  • Promote the development of local economic activities, stimulate and support entrepreneurship and encourage traditional activities;
  • Promote and develop educational and/or scientific programs and workshops, promote and develop scientific research;
  • Promote and develop professional training;
  • Promote and carry out environmental awareness actions and cultural and tourist activities;
  • Collecting, processing and disseminating information on the region’s resources;
  • Carrying out actions to protect, conserve and disseminate the natural heritage, namely geodiversity and biodiversity, with special emphasis on the geological heritage;
  • Promote and carry out cooperation actions

Technical Team

Arouca Geopark Association

equipa_Daniela Rocha

Daniela Rocha
Executive Coordinator daniela.rocha@aroucageopark.pt

equipa_Alexandra Paz

Alexandra Paz
Geology Technician alexandra.paz@aroucageopark.pt

equipa_Amália Fernandes

Amália Fernandes
Administrative and Financial Technician amalia.fernandes@aroucageopark.pt

equipa_André Vilar

André Vilar
Asset Management Technician andre.vilar@aroucageopark.pt

equipa_Davide Fernandes

Davide Fernandes
Interpreter Guide davide.fernandes@aroucageopark.pt

equipa_Mariana Alves

Mariana Alves
Agricultural Technician mariana.alves@aroucageopark.pt

equipa_Marianna Holz

Marianna Holz
Agricultural Technician marianna.holz@aroucageopark.pt

equipa_Vera Magalhães

Vera Magalhães
Communication Technique vera.magalhaes@aroucageopark.pt

equipa_Susana Bastos

Susana Bastos
Biology Technician susana.bastos@aroucageopark.pt

Arouca City Council

equipa_Daniela Oliveira

Daniela Oliveira
Tourism Technician daniela.oliveira@aroucageopark.pt
CMA: daniela.oliveira@cm-arouca.pt

equipa_Miguel Leite

Miguel Leite
Tourism Technician miguel.leite@aroucageopark.pt
CMA: miguel.leite@cm-arouca.pt

equipa_Otília Vilar

Otília Vilar
Tourism Technician otilia.vilar@aroucageopark.pt
CMA: otilia.vilar@cm-arouca.pt

equipa_Verónica Bernardo

Verónica Bernardo
Tourism Technician veronica.bernardo@aroucageopark.pt CMA: veronica.bernardo@cm-arouca.pt

equipa_Telmo Rocha

Telmo Rocha
Tourism Technician
CMA: telmo.rocha@cm-arouca.pt