Geossítio 10 Castanheira Coast

A truly breathtaking landscape

We climb Pico do Gralheiro, at an altitude of 1046 meters, near the village of Castanheira, and enjoy the scenery that stretches out before our eyes: the Serra da Freita plateau and the mountain villages, the Serra da Estrela, the Ria de Aveiro. The tower of the Arouca Meteorological Radar stands here, and on clear days it is possible to go up to Floor 10 – Panoramic Floor, and get an overwhelming 360º panorama of this landscape.

The Arouca Meteorological Radar is an infrastructure of the IPMA – Portuguese Institute for the Sea and Atmosphere. The tracking carried out by this equipment allows the detection and monitoring of adverse weather phenomena in the northern region of Portugal, providing a valuable contribution in the fields of weather forecasting and surveillance. Guided tours of this infrastructure take place by appointment at the Casa das Pedras Parideiras – Interpretation Center and include interpretation of the landscape, as well as the technical operation of this IPMA – Portuguese Institute for the Sea and the Atmosphere building, in the field of meteorological monitoring.

This geosite is the stage for the “Ultra Trail da Serra da Freita” and “Freita Skyrunning” events.

Este geossítio faz parte do itinerário A: Freita, The Enchanted Mountain.
Saiba mais sobre a Rota dos Geossítios .

The Castanheira Coast Panoramic is a geosite of geomorphological and cartographic interest. Located at an altitude of 1046 meters, it is a magnificent vantage point for observing the geology, morphology and landscape of the Serra da Freita, as well as the surrounding morphostructural complexes, currently benefiting from the panoramic balcony located on the 10th floor of the Arouca Meteorological Radar (RMA).

Positioned on metamorphic rocks more than 500 million years old, the geosite/radar is located in the southwest of the Serra da Freita. On clear days, you can see the entire plateau drained by the River Caima to the north, with special emphasis on the Frecha da Mizarela, the various mountain villages, some of the geosites on the plateau and the respective wind farm. Also to be seen in this direction are the Arda Valley, the Gamarão mountains, the deep Paiva Valley and the Montemuro Massif. To the east, the Serra de Arada is particularly noteworthy and to the west there is a privileged panoramic view of the Atlantic Ocean, over a distance of more than 100 kilometers, with the city and the Ria de Aveiro and the urban area of Porto standing out. To the south/southwest, the Felgueira-Preguinho fault (NW-SE) stands out, responsible for the abrupt southwest slope of the Serra da Freita which, by causing a drop of around 200 meters in the Gralheira Massif, gives rise to two blocks, the higher corresponding to the Serra da Freita and the lower to the Serra do Arestal. Still in this direction, the Vouga Valley can be seen, with the Ribeiradio Dam reservoir in evidence. To the south of the Vouga Valley lies the Serra do Caramulo, followed by the Mondego Valley and the Serra da Estrela marking the horizon to the southeast.


Geomorfológico Geomorfológico
Cartográfico Cartográfico
Rede Natura 2000 Natura 2000


Educativo Educativo
Turístico Turístico


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Coordenadas Castanheira Coast

Fotografias e Vídeos Galeria

Costa da Castanheira

Costa da Castanheira

Costa da Castanheira

Costa da Castanheira

Panorâmica da Costa da Castanheira ©Avelino Vieira

Panorâmica da Costa da Castanheira ©Avelino Vieira

    Experiência 360º

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    360 Costa da Castanheira