
Desporto Aventura

If rafting is a kind of sport oriented to teams, kayak is only for one or two athletes. Skills like agility, strength and spirit of adventure join to the bravery of the rapids and the adrenaline of the moment. In the Paiva, Paivô and Frades Rivers, it is possible to use the double paddle to make the boat move through the rapids, in many sections of watercourses.

Kayaker in the following sections of watercourses:

:: [Paiva River] Meitriz-Areinho | Areinho-Espiunca | Espiunca-Travanca

:: [Paivô River] Drave-Covelo de Paivô | Covelo Paivô-Ponte de Telhe

:: [Paiva and Paivô Rivers] Ponte de Telhe-Areinho

::  [Frades and Paivô River] Rio de Frades-Ponte Telhe.